Design Patterns continued
I'm about halfway through Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, and it's pretty good. I can't read Smalltalk very well, so that's an impediment, but most of the code is C++ so...
View ArticleJavascript forays, PHP adventures
To add yet another language to the ever-expanding list of languages I know well enough to get by but have far from mastered, in the past week or two at work I've needed to play with Javascript a lot....
View ArticlePHP namespaces? Nope!
Today, I found out that PHP 5 still doesn't support namespaces. This is kind of extremely crap. I wrote a bunch of classes whose names are simple things like Scale and Numeric. These are good names...
View ArticleCLOS vs. Ruby
I thought I sort of understood CLOS, until...CL-USER> (defclass foo () ((bar :initform "BAR" :accessor bar))) #<STANDARD-CLASS FOO> CL-USER> (defparameter *x* (make-instance 'foo)) *X*...
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